



展望未来我们还将面临重重挑战,从公共卫生、贫困落后到数字鸿沟;从社会公平、绿色复苏到气候变化。2022年的世界虽然存在诸多不确定性, 但我们坚信合作的力量,我们坚信团结的力量。行动胜于言语,办法多于困难。让我们携手努力,让2022成为另一个值得骄傲的年份,成为我们大家实现希望、完成目标、见证辉煌、吉祥如意的一年!!

Dear Colleagues of the Board of Directors & the Council of Advisors,

BFA Members & Partners,

Members of the Boao Family,

Happy New Year!

The year 2021 is behind us. This is a year still marred by the on-going Pandemic. We are yet to see the end of it. But we have emerged out of the crisis with greater resilience and vigor. We have learned to cope with the virus and variants quicker, smarter and better equipped. We have managed to keep economy and social life going in one way or another. As compared with two years ago, we see now more hope than fear, more readiness than panicking, more confidence than anxiety.

We should take pride in that. The Boao Family should take pride in that. I am proud of the Board and the Council for taking the lead and guiding the Forum through its toughest period. I commend BFA members and partners for your relentless efforts in keeping business going and helping others where they can. I appreciate the solidarity, trust and collective wisdom of the Great Boao Family. You are the most valuable assets for our mission and purposes of bringing Asia and the wider world closer together.

Challenges ahead abound, from public health, poverty, digital divide to green recovery, social equity and climate change. We do not know for sure how the Year 2022 will turn out. But I am confident of the power of cooperation, of countries working together, of actions than words, of solutions than problems. Together, let’s make the Year 2020 another year to be proud of, a year of hopes, promises, brilliance and prosperity for us all.
